Bill mentioned they were heading Worlds End again & did I fancy tagging along. Of course I couldn't refuse with my slight obsession with moorland. Again we managed close views of Black Grouse although we were all stuck in the car so pic couldn't be taken of the 2 males proving who was the better. Further down the valley 9 more were lecking

although a little distant also from the same spot we managed see the Great Grey Shrike that was on the small pines along the ridge. Dartford Warbler showed fantastically I don't do it justice with the digyscope pic. We also heard a familiar voice as we were leaving and Steve Gib showed up. The car park

held siskin and a pair of Crossbills for a couple of minutes. After a few hours in cracking suroundings it was onward to Inner Marsh Farm, all the usual waterfowl were there but there were a couple of better waders amongst them, 7 Avocet were to the left of the hide and 5 Spotted Redshank were on the pool a 100 yards away. A couple of other birds to note were a female Merlin perched up & my first summer migrant in the shape of a Chiffchaff. A large gathering of Herons attracted a single Egret amongst the mass. All done there it was homeward bound again via Sandbach Flashes, No white winged gulls were there whilst we were but 2 Green Sandpipers were o

n the Elworth Flash along with Oystercatcher Ruff Redshank & Snipe. Ducks nothing out of the ordinary 4 Pintal would be my pick out of the lot. I can see another trip to Worlds End soon if only our own Moors were as attractive to Birds
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