Monday 9 May 2016

Tittesworth And The Moor


I visited the above Saturday Morning. What a difference 2 weeks makes. Common Terns were back on the floating island a very welcome site. Best birds at Tittesworth has to be a pair of Shelduck but they headed south not long after I arrived. The Moors had many summer visiters back, Grasshopper Warber, Redstarts, Tree Pipits, Spotted Flycatcher and 3 Cuckoos the latter were all around Swallow Moss. Also quite a lot of House Martins were belting through heading north. I didnt locate a Hobby a bird on my moors wish list for 2016.


Tuesday 26 April 2016

Sunday Morning

I managed a couple of hours out early Sunday morning. Tittesworth very little had changed although i did see 6 wild Barnacle Geese!! A run around the Roaches got me a female Ring Ouzel although it was very flighty. Else where up the moors only a Tree Pipit new in. A great sound when in full song.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

Last Couple of Weeks

  Ive let my Blog go to pot recently but im making more of an effort as of now. The last couple of outings were revolved around Tittesworth and the Moors. It was not to bad up the moors with a few summer visitors back. Ring Ouzel was seen around west moors Wheatears all over and the breeding waders back on patch.. Short Eared Owl on both visits was more than welcome. Tittesworth area had Swallow, Sand Martin, Redstart, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff. The Conservation pool had a single Common Sandpiper on my last visit. A Red Kite over Congleton today broke up an uneventful day at work.

Friday 10 July 2015

Worth another look

What a cracker

Red foot delights


Nothing has excited me locally in the last few weeks. In fact it's been my normal June lack of mojo. Today was different with a Red Footed Falcon just up the road and showing rather well. First in Staffordshire for myself made even better with the five minutes drive. Congratulations to the finder although I've heard nothing of person responsible.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

Tittesworth and Gun hill


The last couple of mini sessions birding were spent at Tittes and Gun hill. Tittesworth was poor really, Spotted flycatchers were around the Churnet and the Common Tern has a couple of bundles of fluff under her. Gun hill was pretty lively with summer visitors. I was welcomed at the gate by a family party of Redpoll further past the trig point Tree Pipit and Restart were noted.  A pair of Stonchats were also on show as we're Willow Warblers and common residents

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Months birding

 The past month was spent local due to work commitments. Nothing out of ordinary graced the front of my bins but it was good to catch up with all the summer breeders. Most showing well except for the Grasshopper Warblers.