First light I was at Rudyard lake again nothing to report, its much quieter than last year was. Tittersworth did hold 3 LRPs and 3 Ringed Plover plus a single Dunlin all in Churnet Bay other notable birds were Goosander and Snipe. Then the day began Bill, Tony, Glads and Myself headed to Inner Marsh Farm for a shot at the Spotted Crake that was present the day prior. After a few minutes in the hide it popped out a good but brief view of around 30 seconds was all I was treated too. Other reasonable birds took stage after that, at least 5 Curlew Sandpipers, 1 Little Stint, and single Spotted Redshank were the most sought after but many other birds were seen ie Egrets, Ruff, Snipe Black Tailed Godwits and scragy duck. The next stop was Parkgate to look at the improved scape only Little Stint & Redshank present at the time. With the tide not to far from high we headed to Hoylake for a Wader fest and it didn't disappoint. Golden & Grey plovers the latter still with grand black belly's, Dunlin,2 Curlew Sandpiper, Sanderling, Ringed Plover, Bar Tailed Godwits, Curlew & Oystercatcher. Nineteen waders seen already & after a call early morn saying there was a Greenshank at Knypersley that made it 20 waders in a day. A rate good day all in all
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