To be honest I fancied a trip Titters again although the Diver hadnt been reported for a couple of days I guessed it would still be around. The conservation pool was nearly frozzzed up bank to bank only a few snipe and teal around. The main lake only had patches about. A quick top up of the feeders and table then search for the Diver it was still there although a little more distant than my previous visits. Also to note were 18 Goosander the most I've had there this year. Just rattling to lads before they departed that we hadn't had Brambling only for a few mins later John shouting me from near the lodge. Guessing straight away what he had got I sprinted like birders do, a dad run as a famous comic puts it. 2 Males and a female under the table feeding with a small flock of Chaffinch.
The moors next for some hardcore birding there was still a good covering of snow and plenty of ice on the minor roads. A few Stonechats braving the conditions an odd Raven. Reed Bunting, Grouse, Wrens, Pheasant and corvids the only birds about. Around 2.30 I decided try for a Short Eared luckily I didnt have to wait long for a couple of minutes viewing. Getting cold headed home home happy chap.
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